Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thoughts on..... What Washington Can Learn From The World Of Sports

What Washington can Learn From The World Of Sport is a book by George Allen. Great insight on sports and politics.

The NFl last-shall-be first and first-shall-be-last draft tradition gives every the worst team pick at the best player giving an even distribution that fosters competition. This same concept should be used with teachers pay to students progress in the classroom. Encouraging good teachers to work at underperforming schools. He goes on to say that since the playing field for teachers earnings is all on equal ground that no teacher wants to go from working with suburb honor role students to intercity trouble kids but if salary wasn't on equal ground and teachers that turned poor performing or "bad" schools into good ones received more money for higher performance in their students. He refers this to coaches like Larry Brown that turned horrible teams into championship game winning teams. He thinks that some teachers have this ability and should get rewarded for it. Eventually this can help students overcome their tough backgrounds since more and more good

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I found this photo on a website that gives you (the stumbler) random websites that it thinks will draw you will enjoy browsing.
 If you have ever had your heart broken than you know it is probably the worst feeling in the world. It's not the fact that mental or physical pain are two totally different things but boy do they both hurt like hell sometimes. I would even say that mental pain is farrrr worse than physical pain.
 Physical which means relating to the body and not the mind (mental) is just so different. When you cut yourself and blood comes out, hurting only at the place of where you were injured, and normally in a few minutes the pain will subside and you will go on with your day not thinking about it. With mental pain it's sort of the same story although when your heartbroken the only thing you can think about is the person that hurt you. You can feel this stabbing pain in your heart that just makes your heart ache. It's this ache that I have never felt before. It's the ache of knowing you lost a best friend and something so much more than that. So I find it crazy how the heart has no pain receptors although you can feel so much pain and agony in your heart. I wonder how this works. There has to be some kind of scientific things to tell me how this whole knife in the heart thing all works.

On a lighter note this whole picture is so true. It's all in your mind and it's you that has to go out and get this certain person out of there. Once a person is finally out of your mind. It's such an over coming and good feeling. This normally doesn't happen until you meet a new person that can make the other person look pathetic. Recently this has happened to me... This new person makes this guy I used to be in love with so miserably inadequate.  Which reminds me of another picture....

It's funny how something so unreal was so real to me. Something that never really even started, started and changed me so much as a person. 

This photo makes me smile because there are so many people in the world and to be stuck on one person that doesn't even love you back is such a waste of this beautiful life =]



Most women dont know how to choose their battles. By this I mean that they enjoy controversy. They will start any battle just to battle. Not like cursing out another girl out but just stirring the pot by talking amongst each other forming alliances that they call friendship. Because without that what else would ladies talk about? 

The underling factor that creates all this is INSECURITIES. I believe that women talk a significant amount about others in their day to day lives because the attention is deferred from themselves. I believe this is a sub counsiouns thing that even men do sometimes. We call these men homosexuals. 

Its almost as though these girls that "stir the pot" do this so me the girl that doesn\'t want any drama just wants to play some ball retaliates and looks as though I am starting all the drama leading in a snow ball effect. Generally really effecting me and effecting my happiness in the end. As well as bringing other teammates (her friends on the team) not liking me. Just a lose lose situation.